Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Game of Dicks

I finished playing Shadows of the Damned, and I'm not going to spoil it for you, so relax, let's just sit down together and have a conversation about cock, and how the game might be deeper than you think. Together we will deeply penetrate the shadowy recesses of the game. Also, (more sexual innuendo about anal sex).

Now that we got that out of our systems let's get down to brass tacks. The game is set in the tone of Day of the Dead or From Dusk Til Dawn. The protagonist is Garcia Hotspur and his shapeshifting ex-demon, Johnson. Garcia's girlfriend is kidnapped and killed over and over again by the Demon Lord Flemming and his minions. There are many, MANY, penis jokes, MANY! but I believe the game is not about Garcia's search for his love, but instead his relationship with his wang.

First, Paula, the woman he professes to love, is mostly a stranger, we know nothing about her except what she looks like, the first we see of her is when she is hanging in a noose above his bed- her thong is much in evidence. She dies at least three times in the opening, demons crawling out of her flesh (like a baby from a vagina), this will happen often in the game, we see her and then a new demon crawls out of her, because, according to Flemming, all demons want to be in a nice piece of ass. Her dialogue in the game is mostly a screaming of Garcia's name, and inquiries on why he isn't saving her and why he keeps letting demons kill her. Eventually we find out little bits about her, like that Garcia found her in a dumpster and took her home. So, basically she's trash someone else threw out (or she lives there?) and since she was discarded Garcia just takes her home and she says nothing to him for months (or was she talking and he not listening). Garcia often claims to love her, but obviously knows nothing about her, and it isn't even clear she likes or wants him. She is almost always in negligee that Hotspur says he picked out for her. So, woman as fantasy object and not person, so much so that she came across to me as beard. She is supposed to be what he desires, but he obviously has no idea what real women are or of any sort of complexity of emotion. This is not a game about love or any kind of intimate relationship. There is nothing real about Paula, and Garcia tries way too hard to convince us he cares about her and how sexy he finds her. You may be thinking now that this is just a cheesy horror/adventure game, and what should one expect from this; it's cheap, vapid, and schmaltzy, but there is a complex relationship explored in this game and it is between Garcia Hotspur and his penis.

Part two of this post will explore genitals, so keep reading.

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