Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My hot avatar had sex with a male prostitute last night

I guess I'm giving a play by play of my play through of Dragon Age, but last night something happened in my game that got me so excited I had to pull out my camera and start snappin' pics of the screen, Dean-style!
I visited a place called "The Pearl" which I'm guessing is short for "The Pearl Necklace", and there I was offered the choice to hire a companion of any sex (Dean told me next time I should choose "Surprise Me" from the option tree) for what I'm guessing is the equivalent of $40 in imaginary-land money. I said I was interested in a male companion, and then was able to choose from 5 or 6 fellows. Debating between the stout, bearded, dwarf-type fellow and another fairly plain looking guy who stood on the far left, I opted for the more plain looking guy. Next thing you know there's a quick cut scene of me standing in my underwear and the guy I picked crawling around on the bed talking potty talk. Shame on him!
Anyway, shortly afterwards, I was left alone running around in the room looking through the drawers and searching for Elfroot in my skivvies...and I got sexually stimulated by the sight of my avatar standing there practically naked. Oh my god! Is something wrong with me? No wonder "DOA Beach Volleyball" was such a hit. If I could buy a game and make near-naked, physically perfect manly men play hopscotch, I'd buy it and quick. I wonder how many polygons were used in his crotch area? These are the important things that I MUST KNOW!
Anyway, here are a couple of gratuitous shots of my Dragon Age avatar in his tightey-whiteys. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I killed a demon in the fade last night

So this is Daniel, and I usually play girls for 12 year old girls. That's So Raven. The Suite Life with Zach and Cody. Barbie Horse Love. But I've been playing Dragon Age 1 for the past week and I'm really enjoying myself. I'm playing it on easy, which is helping I think, because it's still quite complex and deep, but I'm reading all of the "codex" (which are the text thingeys you come across in the game that flesh out the story) and doing as many of the side quests as I can focus on with my 12 year old girl attention span. Last night I went in to the "fade" and killed a desire demon, which was exciting and cool and never something you would do in That's So Raven: Super Shopping-Mall-Hop-Stravaganza. I'm going to give this game my all and maybe I'll actually learn to play through games that take a bit more than just hammering away at the "A" button. Stay tuned...or don't. The end result will be the same.

Monday, May 16, 2011

My letter to Kotaku

Hello editors,

I usually love your website; it's witty, informative and eclectic, but when it comes to gay stuff you're not so nice. There was a Dragon Age 2 article in which you posted unfounded and untrue viewpoints basically saying the gay was forced on straight players and there was no stopping the gay come ons, when in fact to start a romance you have to click on specific, heart-labeled dialog choices. Now the Mass Effect article titled "Mass Effect Fans Worry That Expanded Gay Options Will Create Inconsistencies, Alter Canon." Yes, deeper in the article you post one pro gay view, but the title implies ALL Mass Effect fans are worried or at least MOST are worried. You quoted Ghost Warrior who is a homophobe who has closed down many gay positive threads on the social site and said that if a male character came on to him in the game that character would have to be brutally killed. Then the writer gives more weight to his argument by saying, "This argument appears to be quite persuasive."

It's all homophobic argument, it supposes that every character in the game is straight, if you never came on to Ashley or Kaiden their sexuality did not come up, and if it did it wasn't complete disclosure about every feeling and desire they had. Secondly, the argument relies on the fact that in this fictional universe there are even such designations as straight or gay which we don't know to be true, nor do we know the cultural practices of aliens. The worst part of these arguments is that somehow these characters could not be everything they have been written to be AND gay which is insulting and bizarre to me.

I did not see an article written by you even telling readers you could be gay in ME3, but the top story today is that people are upset by it. Why is your writing so slanted? Even writing articles like this invite readers to respond with homophobic and cruel things which make gays feel attacked and your website feel unsafe. It doesn't seem like you are able to write articles on gay subjects with anything but negativity. I know it didn't say "Kill Queers!" but it definitely made it a very us-against-them piece, and it was written with, at the very least, insensitivity. The argument in the article is homphobia masked in politeness, just like demanding Obama's birth certificate is really about him being black and a president, not about where he was born.

I am really upset about this, and I am so disappointed in a website I really respected.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Can we just admit a crime has been committed and blame the criminal? I don't understand the fury directed at Sony for the PSN hack; it seems to me like blaming the door for you apartment being robbed. I'm angry at the hacker(s) who did it and at Anonymous. I will admit I know little about computers except for how to press buttons on them, and I be happy to be set straight, but Anonymous talked for weeks in their secret web places about how to break into the PSN, did break-in to make a point that was never articulated to me outside of "Corporations suck, and leave Geohot alone to hack into shit."

I admire groups like Wikileaks that are doing their best in this age of constant sit-n-spin where the public is dizzied by the amount of rationalization or misdirection spewed from every orifice. I admire that someone is showing us what those in power think and are doing in their own words without editing. Anonymous though, now, pisses me off. Of course you are going to have assholes in your nonorganization organization. Of course someone with different vision, self interest, or the enjoyment of destroying things or causing chaos will infiltrate (or just join) your cause. Being set up as a loose collective without any hierarchy, ruleset or oversight invites idiots to come on in. That sucks too because I am tired of idiot assholes ruining things for the rest of us.

So, I kinda think some of us are assholes too, kicking the dude who just got mugged, "I'm not your friend anymore, Sony, someone stole your shit. You're fired, Sony, you idiot, you don't even know who broke into your house!" I might feel differently if Anonymous's reasoning was explained somewhere and it didn't sound like a crazy conspiracy theory. I would feel better if Anonymous would take responsibility for its members and its own actions in originally hacking and showing others how and help Sony out. Many people are suffering because of this outage; it was an act of selfishness and mayhem, and I am disappointed in all sides for the constant not-me-ing.