Monday, February 14, 2011


Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is coming to my door tomorrow. I’m excited. Dan and Stephen are coming over Friday to play with me and I will get to be Super SKrull and Phoenix and Ameratsu, or MODOK, or well any of the others (except Tron Bone, she’s icky and stupid, bleh!). The anticipation for games is so much fun, when the potential is limitless and I pretend play them in my head, “My character is going to look like this…First I’m going to…” AWESOME! And, AND! There are so mnay games I am excited about March 8 Dragon Age 2 (mage, baby, mage, and gay love interest, YES), Deus Ex (cyberpunk is so cool and then there were the shirtless protagonist pics in the trailer), L.A. Noire (ROckstar always amazes me and this take place in glamorous Los Angeles, hooray!), Portal 2 in April. Sooooooo much! What are you looking forward to?


  1. I'm squabbling with delight waiting for "Harvest Moon: Friends of Christopher Street"'s for gay farmers. Should be a hoot!

  2. I really want Biocock 7. Not sure when I'm going to get it though.
