Monday, February 28, 2011


Daniel helped me with my class idea this weekend, because he cannot help but share his awesomeness. Here is part of the class I'm excited to implement:


Students love video games and part of the reason is they get constant, tangible feedback and rewards- things that they want. I would like to incorporate this into class, so in addition to their graded assignment students will receive incentives to work and learn through leveling up. The leveling up effects their avatar (physical representation of themselves perhaps heroic, villainous, beautiful or monstrous). These avatars will progress as they do and be hung in class as incentive and reinforcement.

When students complete different types of goals their avatar could gain a different costume or physical attribute, an additional upgrade to the power, or gadget or prop based on the type of goal they accomplished These goals and rewards will be posted in the classroom and split into three categories, influence (teamwork and citizenship goals), power (work related), and ingenuity (creatively based, or for work outside of class). These rewards come for specific activities or assignments as well as behavioral, intellectual, and social tasks; some of examples of these include:

INFLUENCE (effects the appearance of their avatar)

+ Show me positive feedback from another class

+ Be a team leader

+ Help a classmate with a task

+ Include a family member in your work

+ Be honest

+ Make me laugh

+ Work for someone else

+ Respond thoughtfully and meaningfully in class

+ Present to the class

+Teach a skill

+ Encourage someone who is blocked or having trouble

POWER (increases existing powers or adds additional powers or physical attribute)

+ Find secret in a text or game

+ Find an example or application of what we did in class outside of class or in another class

+ Wow me with a thought, idea, assignment, sketch, piece of work

+ Start an idea

+ Come to class prepared and on time

+Have assignments completed by deadline

+ Your team has assignments done by deadline

+ Get an A or B in another class, or in work for this one

INGENUITY (gives their avatar gadgets, pets or props)

+ Research

+ Bring and share inspiration or derivational work

+ Solve a problem you or your team have struggled with

+ Find multiple solutions or possibilities for one task

+ Edit and revise your work in a meaningful way

+ Scrap an idea and start all over

+ Fail and fix it

+ Raise your grade

Along with their visual representation will come a title for their level.

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