Alright, I'm listening to Matt's CD and talking about faeries. The first song is "Rocky Took a Lover," which is one of my favorite songs of all time, with lyrics like, "You're such an asshole when you're drunk/ At least I'm Ok in the morning," and "I don't believe in any old Jesus/ If there was ago/ Then why is my ass the perfect height for kicking," but it builds to the chorus which can make me tear up in it's sincerity and simple beauty, "I'll shine for you/ I'll burn for you...I want to be the sky," which when juxtaposed with the banality and grossness of their everyday life is amazing. Matt, you are a connoisseur.
Anyway, fairies, I've been playing the downloadable Faery: Legends of Avalon. I like. Daniel would too. *DID YOU HEAR THAT DANIEL?!* It plays like old school Final Fantasy or Shining force, turn-based combat, text-based dialogue. You can customize your faery, choose it's gender and face. When you level up you can add features like tattoos, horns, different wings, tails, different armor, non 80's headbands. It looks beautiful; you're tin, the world is vibrant, recognizable and fantastic at the same time. And you get to fly everywhere (although I have had some trouble navigating smoothly, but there is no hurry, so no big deal). I have not gotten far, but I've enjoyed it, except...
The map sucks. It's is a lovely two dimensional picture that tells directionally-challenged me nothing. Also, there is a lot of fetching, in fact the game seems just fetching and fighting. The story has been sweet and the mythology both cute and mature. It costs $14.99 currently. So if you're looking for something to tide you over while you wait for Dragon Age 2 and LA Noire, or a break from the bleak insanity of Dead Space two check it out. And I want to see all your faeries.
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