I played fifteen minutes of it, and it looks amazing, and finally companies are starting to get touch screen gaming right- IT DOESN'T NEED A JOYSTICK! To attack you slash your finger across the screen, to dodge you tap right or left, wanna block? Press the center.
Beyond this, the little story there is compels. When you die (which you will) you jump twenty years into the future and become your own son who again tries to storm the castle and take on the evil(?) king who weilds the soul-sucking infinity blade which he needs to charge up to face some enemy.
They've done a whole bunch of stuff right. I mentioned the controls and the graphics. The sound is crisp, clinking armor, labored breath (The language in game is strange tho'). The experience system is interesting in that you get some for defeating enemies and your equipment also gets levels. Did I mention the amazing graphics? The price when I purchased it was six bucks, which seems very reasonable to me.
The not-so-right: Very short. Unless I've missed something you fight about seven guys then the king. You can look everywhere, but there are few options for actual progress.
Check it out, but if Daniel mentions it pretend to know nothing.
Down Low Dean
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