Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hard Times with Hard Drives

So, I've just bought two new hardrives, one for my 80g PS3 and one for my shiny new 4g Xbox360. The PS3 transfer went well (with a little help of my tech-ier friends). Maybe because I'm computer illiterate, but the whole gigabyte thing has no real meaning to mean, 1, 10, 100 I have no way to accurately measure it, what can I do with a gigabyte? When the consoles were offering different numbers of these mysterious quantities I had no idea what they'd be used for. I imagined them as internal memory cards. I had no concept of what we'd be able to do with these consoles, DLC that wasn't just a new outfit, Netflix, downloadable games, games that saved part of themselves on my hard drive. Wow.

So now I have what seems like exorbitant numbers of these miles of possibilities, I hope it's enough.

And the Xbox scares me a bit, so cross your fingers and hope I don't lose anything or destroy my fragile console.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Uh, what?

So, I had an entry that showed pictures of a bunch of my avatars, but it has mysteriously disappeared. So, if you're interested you can see them on the album of the Silly Frags Facebook page.

P.S. Something witty.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The saddest thing :(

So about 6 months ago I was walking Sammy, my partner Dave's dog. Sammy was getting all excited about something up in a high planter at the foot of a large apartment complex in Hollywood, so he and I checked it out together and found a couple of chickens living up there. Roosters to be exact. I took a picture of one of 'em because I was like, "WTF is pair of bro chickens doing living in the middle of Hollywood?" We always looked for the little dudes when we'd walk past there, but I didn't see them again and figured they'd been caught and eaten or something.
Recently, Dave told me that he'd seen a couple of ragged roosters in a little fenced-in area right off of a freeway on-ramp, which was right across the road from the spot I'd first spotted them. They were quite a mess...with their combs laying over and a bunch of feathers missing. But they had each other, plenty of sun and safety from the neighborhood cats and raccoons...and homeless people, I guess, so I figured they were actually living the high life.
This past Saturday a big rain storm hit Los Angeles, and when I took Sammy out for his brief walk we happened upon the chickens. They were safe from us (Sammy) because of a chain-link fence between them, but Sam-Sam got all worked up and scared one of them pretty good. Poor thing. The other rooster was sitting fairly still near the fence, looking kind-of over the rain, but otherwise he looked well. He didn't really react to Sammy much, though. I figured he was just water-logged and bumming.
When I got back to Dave's place I suggested we take something to them to eat, so Dave grabbed a couple pieces of bread and we went walking over to the fence. When we got there I noticed one of the little dudes looking, actually. I was like, "Oh my God. He's dead. He wasn't just a minute ago." But of 'em was dead. In a bad way, too. Dave and I tried tossing bread to the surviving rooster bro, but he was scared and ran from us.
Later on that day, after I had run a few errands, I went back over to Dave's house and after parking my car went to check on the poor, lonely guy. He was just standing there next to his dead comrade in the pouring rain. It was one of the saddest things I think I've ever seen.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Saving Facebook

That's right. Daniel and I are saving Facebook. I will be wearing a cape. Daniel will be a cowboy ninja named Cowja the Conqueror. Together we will have a Facebook page that won't be quite as interesting as here, except for the effect of Cowja and a cowl, which, as everyone will soon find, is exactly what Facebook needs.

Friday, December 10, 2010

teknologee sux

Figured I ought to put something up here, cuz now Dean is pulling ahead with two posts...but the only thing I can do is complain, so that's what yer gonna get.
I swear. Our podcast is basically broken on iTunes. I've been working all week to fix it, but to no avail. I've enlisted help boards, my co-workers, my boyfriend, my right hand (for stress relief)...yet no luck. It's been a while since I've worked in web "design" (although this problem has nothing to do with design) and I had forgotten why I was so glad to get out of it: CODE! You know what, code? You can go to hell.
The podcast has been a blast to do so far, and I know it's only going to get better, but for God's sake...can't we just press a button and be done with it? The short answer is "no".
Daniel the dumb

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Stepping on Daniel's Toes

Today I downloaded Infinity Blade for my Iphone, and I know Daniel is the mobile gamer, he may be the most mobile gamerist, but I have to tell you, Infinity blade is awesome.

I played fifteen minutes of it, and it looks amazing, and finally companies are starting to get touch screen gaming right- IT DOESN'T NEED A JOYSTICK! To attack you slash your finger across the screen, to dodge you tap right or left, wanna block? Press the center.

Beyond this, the little story there is compels. When you die (which you will) you jump twenty years into the future and become your own son who again tries to storm the castle and take on the evil(?) king who weilds the soul-sucking infinity blade which he needs to charge up to face some enemy.

They've done a whole bunch of stuff right. I mentioned the controls and the graphics. The sound is crisp, clinking armor, labored breath (The language in game is strange tho'). The experience system is interesting in that you get some for defeating enemies and your equipment also gets levels. Did I mention the amazing graphics? The price when I purchased it was six bucks, which seems very reasonable to me.

The not-so-right: Very short. Unless I've missed something you fight about seven guys then the king. You can look everywhere, but there are few options for actual progress.

Check it out, but if Daniel mentions it pretend to know nothing.

Down Low Dean

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fear Me

Pretty cool name for my first blog, eh? Kinda (as Daniel would say) in yo' face (he's so urban). The me in the title though is not me; it's actually my Kinect.

I'm a little afraid of my Kinect. It sits silently staring like Wall-E's ninja nephew. I turn my sleek black Xbox on and it looks me up and down sizing me up. And it is always taking pictures of me as if collecting evidence. Honestly, do any of want to see ourselves playing video games, mouth half open, eyes half closed, squinting in concentration, or just nakedly entranced?

Not. Pretty.

I will admit I have undressed for it like any good gay must when he is dancing or in front of an audience. It just stared and took more pictures.

I love the Kinect. I love what it could be. I am fascinated and confused by the hacks I hear about. Playing a role playing game with my voice and body, or a sandbox game with worlds like Fallout or Enslaved in which I can explore, or hide in a hallway in Rapture, or shoot light from my hands, YES!!

But Kinect is commitment. You can't just sit in the couch, and when I play Dance Central it is paying attention, so I...bettah...WERK! Because of that, I haven't played it for a week. I've just nodded to it as I passed. I need to please it though, because I am afraid it may unite my electrical appliances and take over.

Keep the Kinect happy, all.
Play hard!